In a rain forest, right across the outskirts of town, a white bunny lived in a tree house. The white bunny has delicate fur. Its eyes are the brightest of its kind. The bunny has a passion for arts and loves the color pink. In the tree house where she lived with her family for years now, she didn't feel the warmth. Instead, she felt the absence of heat, coldness caving in.
I was but a passerby who longed to have helped the white bunny. In ways, I have, I think. I talked to her, asked her about her life. But these, I know, wouldn't suffice. I hope she knows how much I want to help her. Upon being friends with her, I realized how much life was making it hard for her. Happiness, I wish I could give her. Comfort, I wish I could have gave her more.
There was once an afternoon when we had a talk. Not just a simple easy conversation, but a real one. I opened up to her so that we'd both understand what we both are going through as of the moment. I noticed she let her walls down. That time, I felt so grateful. I realized I was kind of like her. We both felt vastness in life. We both want to just be happy, no worries, no regrets.
Months passed, and I don't know what happened to the white bunny. I haven't had the time and effort to talk to her. But this, I promise myself, the next time I see her, I'll make sure she's okay. I will make certain to her that I'll always be a friend that she can count on always. That I won't judge her like the other people did.
I want to see you be brave, white bunny. I want to see you happy, regardless of the uncertainty that you feel. I want to see you stand up for yourself. I want to see you be strong enough to face life head up. Be brave, white bunny. Be brave and I bet it'll do you good.
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