Sunday, July 7, 2013

This Is What I Wrote.

As I've said in my previous posts and poems, last summer was nice. I found missing parts of the puzzles that I'm trying to build.  If I was to give a title to it, it would be "Search". Haha. I sort of know that its cliche to say that you found yourself at such a young age. But I didn't, really. I guess I found bits of who I want to be. And so I found this poem that I wrote and remembered again why I set such goals for myself. Here it goes.

And then she said it
I realized my life isn't perfect anymore
I don't get the simplest happiness
Just the tearing pain of being alone and abandoned
That's what I realized
I glanced upon what's in front of me
I realized that maybe my life was destined to be this
Realizing that, I confided all my blurry thoughts
It all came to one conclusion
I have found contentment in my fragile human heart.

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