Sunday, March 16, 2014

You Don't Know Me. You Don't Even Care. (The Boy Who Never Knew)

That right there is a line from one of my favorite songs. That song is entitled Boston by Augustana.
From the magnificent start of the intro up to the very last end, this song wraps up my thoughts about someone. The boy who never noticed.

I guess its because its summer again and that signaled that it has been a year. A year that passed me by, a year that served as a test, if it would work, sadly, nothing happened. To which I say, well at least it'll be over soon. Now that I am ready to accept the ugly truthThe truth that I knew in the back of my mind, it was right there, everyday and in every way. The truth that I didn't want to accept. The truth that kept me from you. The truth that you'll always be the boy who never knew. 

No hard feelings could ever fill up my heart. That, I'm sure of. Besides, the next time I see you, I hope that I could muster up my courage and face you with my head held high. And with that, I'll be able to prove to myself that I indeed learned from the past. No tears, no regrets, just the act of moving forward and acceptance. 

The boy who never noticed. You probably didn't know just how lucky you were. As the Taylor Swift song goes, 'All the other girls, well they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?'. I laugh at that thought. But its true. I wrote one for you. Unfortunately, its left undone. I don't know how to end it. How could you possibly say goodbye to someone who you could never say hello to? How could you finish a song that's all made up of a series of never ending coincidences that made it harder to forget? How could you forget someone who gave you so much to remember?

The thing is that ours is a perfect ending to reality. Reality in life that could not be written on a story book. Reality that could only be depicted by  words that I can't contain. The words I couldn't say. The words that I put up together to convey this message to you.

You don't know me. You don't even care. You don't know me. You don't wear my chains. 
That's exactly how you made me feel. The feeling of never being enough. The feeling that I didn't know existed. The feeling that you were all wrong for me. That's for you. The boy who never knew.

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