Tuesday, March 4, 2014

With Love That Can't Cease To Grow.

That line caught my heart. That's just it. It took one glance, then I fell for it. Oh boy, I did.

I guess even if I keep looking back at that poem that you wrote, I will never figure out just who you wrote it for. And you don't know how much I want to know who it is. Its a bit redundant. But, I really wonder the inspiration behind it. You wrote it with so much passion, so much love.

I liked the last four stanzas best. It seemed to me like they depicted just how people feel. All the emotions colliding in a very insane manner. With every thought, with every emotion, I felt you. Its strange. I don't know you at all. And yet somehow, even with that thought in mind, I felt for once  I had the right to pinpoint who you are -really. I realized how I looked at you a thousand times but never really saw you. I may have seen the 'you' outside and somehow inside too. But I guess you're much like a satire. You hide behind the truth. You hide by faking laughs and forcing smiles. And I guess, despite all that success, you feel that sadness. By 'that sadness' I mean that you may have felt like your life was planned ahead of you. It was like you had no control of your life. Like every move you make, every word you say, you have to be very careful.

But don't worry, you. I hope that you'll find your happiness. Well, there's this wishful thinking that I will be a part of it, but time will tell. At least that's what I know. Also, I wish that the person who inspired you to write that poem will know just how lucky she is that you did what you did. I would actually like to praise you for being a hopeful romantic. :) I wish I had that strength in me -the strength that you have.

With love that can't cease to grow. Just like ours. Just like ours.


  1. This is just lovely. ♡ ♡ ♡

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is this who I think it is?;) Send a text or a private message if this is too much of a public place for your feelings (?). #curious
